"Curiosity" the key to knowledge

There are so many things i want to know about.this is a good place to put things that i find interesting.

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Location: Pune, Maharashtra, India

I am an Research Consultant at IDC, IIT Bombay, my passion is to explore how people make sense of the world around them. My areas of interest include experience design, communication design, interaction design, storytelling and visual language. I received my Ph.D. in 2011 from IIT Bombay. My doctoral thesis entitled ‘Moment and Moments: Discourse in Static Visual Narratives’, explores how stories (written or oral) are communicated through static images using the structuralist perspective. I like to make complicated things simple & transform boring things to fun!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

what is the study of bees? A. apiology....want to know more?..read on

Abiology: the study of inanimate objects
Acarology: the study of ticks and mites
Actinobiology: the study of the effects of radiation upon living organisms
Actinology: the study of the effect of light on chemicals
Agrology: the art and science of agriculture (Canada)
Agrology: the study of soils (not Canada)
Aerology: the study of the free atmosphere
Aeropalynology: the study of pollen grains and spores (palynomorphs) in the atmosphere
Aetiology: the medical study of the causation of disease
Agnoiology: the study of things of which we are by nature ignorant,
or of things which cannot be known
Agrobiology: the study of plant nutrition and growth in relation to soil conditions
Algology: the study of algae
Allergology: the study of the causes and treatment of allergies; a branch of medicine
Andrology: the study of male health and disease
Anesthesiology: the study of anesthesia and anesthetics; a branch of medicine
Angelology: the study of angels
Angiology: the study of the anatomy of blood and lymph vascular systems
Anthropology: the study of humans
Apiology: the study of bees (apiaries)
Arachnology: the study of spiders and their kind
Archaeology: the study of ancient history
Archaeozoology: the study of relationships between humans and animals over time
through examination of animal remains at archaeological sites (also see Zooarchaeology)
Areology: the study of Mars
Assyriology: the study of the Assyrians
Astrobiology: the study of origin of life
Astrogeology: the study of geology of celestial bodies (e.g., planets, asteroids, comets)
Astrology: the study of purported influences of stars on human affairs
Audiology: the study of hearing; a branch of medicine
Autecology: the study of the ecology of any individual species
Axiology: the study of the nature of values and value judgements


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